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德国ABC摄像摇臂 ABC大型摄像摇臂 Crane 120-9 摄臂

单价: 117000.00
品牌: 德国ABC
销量: 累计出售 0
评价: 已有 0 条评价
人气: 已有 1393 人关注
更新: 2015-09-25
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 C-120-9 遥摄臂, 钛合金臂杆, 长 9.0M, 承重 25Kg

  The Star, not only behind the Goal Posts! HDV, HD, Film   High weight capacity of 25kg (55.11 lb)

  Light construction with square profiles 12 x 12 cm (4.72 inch), provides extreme rigidity!

  Additionally, crane segments are bolted together for an optimum resistance to torsion!

  Circular spaces in the segments provide for weight reduction

  High weight addition of 25 kg (55.11 lbs) in version 9m (29.52 ft)

  Optimized Crane-head geometry centers the Remote Head in crane axis!

  Short assembling times! (complete assembly in a approx. 20 minutes!)

  4 different assembly lengths incl. strengthened rig sets

  Universal deployable for high flexibility - deployment with strengthened “Bull Tripod or Dolly CD5/CD6”

  Crane support 120 with vertical brake Section 120 light and robust l Item No. 8315-950

  Rigid parallelogram elements for head control C120/9

  Crane lengths  Crane 129-9.0 max. camera weight Front crane arm Back crane arm Total length

  . in pounds/kilogram in feet/meter in feet/meter in feet/meter

  31.10 ft / 9m version 55.12 lb / 25 kg 25.82 ft / 7,87 m 5.28 ft / 1,61 m 31.10 ft / 9,48 m

  Large version „L“ 66.14 lb / 30 kg 19.13 ft / 5,83 m 5.28 ft / 1,61 m 24.05 ft / 7,33 m

  Medium version „M“ 66.14 lb / 30 kg 14.21 ft / 4,33 m 5.28 ft / 1,61 m 19.13 ft / 5,83 m

  Short version „S“ 66.14 lb / 30 kg 9.28 ft / 2,83 m 5.28 ft / 1,61 m 14.21 ft / 4,33 m

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